In 2023 we recommend all students to bring a device with the following specifications:
- A laptop, netbook, or tablet PC (smart PC) will provide students with a comprehensive learning tool and is ideal as an information and content creation device.
- Operating system– this device must have a full operating system – either Windows or Mac OSX. Chromebooks are only suitable for Year 9 & 10, e.g. Adobe Creative Cloud Suite cannot be installed on them.
- Internet Browser – The Google Chrome browser is necessary for our systems.
- Common browser plugins – The device should have common browser plugins installed on it – like Adobe Acrobat Reader, Java, Adobe Shockwave and Apple Quicktime.
- Language – the device operating system and browsers must be set to display in English.
- Google Workspace for Education – we use a customised EGGS G Suite environment for teaching and learning. This provides students with a free Office-type environment available through the Internet.
- Due to factors such as battery life and warranty, you’ll probably need to purchase two devices during the student’s 5 years at EGGS.
Please remember to name your daughter’s device for safety.
EGGS has partnerships with a number of suppliers to provide discounted prices and bundle offers for your daughter’s BYOD. Please identify yourself as an EGGS parent in all correspondence with these suppliers to get the benefits of the EGGS partnership.
Specifications and recommended attributes and list of suppliers (PDF)