Sport at EGGS

We offer a strong, vibrant sporting programme and sport retains a high profile within the school. Our philosophy of providing as many sporting and recreational opportunities as possible is demonstrated by our school’s participation in over 40 codes in interschool competition across all grades from novice to elite.

Sport at Epsom Girls Grammar School comes in many forms. We have highly competitive national championship teams, fun and social lunchtime activities and everything in between. We currently offer over 40 sport codes with the intention of having something every student can enjoy.

The Sport EGG is made up of talented and dedicated Sport Code Captains and Prefects. The Code Captains promote and lead their code in an inclusive and motivating manner throughout the year, under the leadership of four Sport Prefects. Each year the committee organises many exciting events, including Athletics Day, Swimming Sports Day, Clash of the Codes and Sports Dinner. 

The Sport EGG works very closely with Teachers in Charge, Sport Coordinators and the Director of Sport, often being the bridge between students and staff.

For further information contact our Sports Co-ordinator


  • Adventure Racing
  • Archery
  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Chinese Martial Arts
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country
  • Curling
  • Cycling
  • Distance Squad (Running)
  • Dragon Boating
  • Equestrian
  • Fencing
  • Futsall
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gym Sports (Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampolining)
  • Hockey
  • Ki O Rahi
  • Kilikiti
  • Lacrosse
  • Lifesaving (Royal)
  • Mountain Biking
  • Netball
  • Orienteering
  • Rowing
  • Rugby
  • Skateboarding
  • Snow Sports
  • Softball
  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Touch
  • Triathlon/Duathlon/Aquathon
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Underwater Hockey
  • Volleyball
  • Waka Ama
  • Water Polo
  • Weightlifting
  • Yachting

You can follow Epsom Girls Grammar School Sport on Facebook for the latest news, updates and events information.

Sports eLearn Page